Ultra-fast-edge pulse generators
Voltative makes ultra-fast rise-time step generators, suitable for instrument characterization (e.g., oscilloscope bandwidth), time-domain reflectometry (TDR), and ultra-wideband signal sources. All generators emit 50% duty-cycle pulse trains with Gaussian edge shapes.
Three models to choose from:
20 ps rise time, 10%-90% method
1000 mV peak-peak (-1000 mV to 0 mV), typical
2.92 mm connector (compatible with SMA)
30 ps rise time, 10%-90% method
1000 mV peak-peak (-1000 mV to 0 mV), typical
SMA connector (tight-tolerance type)
40 ps rise time, 10%-90% method
400 mV peak-peak (-500 mV to -100 mV), typical
SMA connector (tight-tolerance type)
All models feature:
10 MHz nominal frequency (+/- 500 ppb typical)
DC coupled fast-edge output
50 Ω output impedance
Separate 400 ps (typical) rise-time trigger output, 2 Vp-p (typical)
<2.5 ps RMS jitter (signal relative to trigger)
USB-C power input (300 mA max @ 5 V)
All pulse generators designed and built in Denver, Colorado, USA. Each generator is individually tested and characterized. A calibration sheet stating the generator's actual measured parameters, including rise time, is included with each unit.
Rise times reported are as-measured using a 50 GHz sampling oscilloscope. True (deconvolved) rise times (i.e., what one would measure if one were to have a sampling head with infinite bandwidth and perfect response) are slightly shorter than the as-measured values. For example, if a PG-3 pulser were measured to have a rise time of 19 ps using the 50 GHz sampling oscilloscope, the "true" rise time of the source would be about 18 ps.
Similarly, measured rise times will appear longer than specified if an oscilloscope with a smaller bandwidth is used for the measurement. For example, if a pulse generator with a true rise time of 18 ps is measured with an oscilloscope having a bandwidth of 2.5 GHz, the rise time of the pulse will appear to be about 142 ps. If instead an oscilloscope having a bandwidth of 500 MHz is used, then that same pulser will appear to have a rise time of about 700 ps.
Fall times are not specified, but are typically between 0 and 10 ps slower than the rise times.
For more information or to order, contact us at info@voltative.com